What is a Christian

One Achord

What is a Christian ?

In today's world, people with widely differing beliefs may all claim to be Christians.  Some might say that a Christian is anyone who believes that Jesus Christ ever existed.  Others might say that even this belief might not be necessary.

The word "Christian" (according to Webster) means "follower of Christ".  Thus, anyone claiming to be a Christian proclaims that they are trying to follow the teachings and example of Christ.  Because God reveals himself differently to each of us based upon our talents and experiences and because living a life that is a perfect model of Christ's life is impossible for humans to do,  it is possible and even probable that we each have different slants on what part of Christ's teaching we find the most important.  However, there are some basics that all Christians believe:  That Jesus was at the same time both fully God and fully Man.  That he lived a perfect life. That he was crucified and died on the Cross, even though he was innocent of any crime.  And that he arose three days later in a bodily form.  If you believe these things, the Bible says that you will have eternal life and are saved from everlasting death ... nothing else is necessary.

So, if you are saved, are you a Christian, right ? Again, let's look at the definition of the term Christian: "A Follower of Christ".  Many people hold to the basic beliefs of Christianity and yet don't even try to live a life of which Christ would approve.  Thus, they are not even trying to be a Christian, a follower of Christ.  And yet, they are saved from eternal death.  This is sometimes hard for Christians to accept.  Jesus told a parable of the workers in the field:  Some workers started work early in the morning and and agreed to work for the standard days wage.  Later in the morning, it was determined that more workers were needed and they were also hired for the standard days wage.  As the day went on, even more workers were needed until even with only an hour left, new workers were hired with the understanding that they would be paid the standard days wage.  At the end of the day, the Landlord paid all the workers, starting with the ones that had come last.  When the workers who had started in the morning saw that the workers who had only worked an hour were being paid a full days wage, they figured that they would be getting an even greater wage than they agreed to.  When their turn came to be paid and they were only paid a days wage, they were angry.  The Landlord asked them, "Why are you angry ?  Didn't you agree to work for a days wage ?  Why now do you expect to get something more ?"  The early workers assumed that since they worked harder and longer they would be compensated for it.  But God gives to each what he needs and all of mankind needs eternal life, regardless of the work they have done for Christ.  So, we can be saved, without truly being a Christian, a follower of Christ.

Why, then, would anyone try to be a follower of Christ ?  If you can gain the reward without any work, why would anyone do the work?  The answer is simple.  You can gain eternal life (after this life) by accepting Jesus sacrifice on the Cross for your sins.  However, for true life in THIS LIFE, you must try to live your life for Christ.  God's plan for you in this life is perfect.  True and lasting happiness can be yours by following his example.  It is easy to see this in our world.  The things that bring unhappiness and sorrow in this world are all things that Jesus taught us to avoid: Hate, Envy, Stealing, Murder, Sexual Immorality and Impurity, Self Indulgence (drugs, money or other habits which we can't control), Self Pity ... all of these things suck the happiness of life from us.  And yet, when we practice the things that Jesus taught us to prize in this life, service to others,  concern for the poor, respect for all human beings and generally, putting everyone else's needs before our own, we gain and abundance and joy that cannot be achieved in any other way.  This is contrary to what our society teaches, but it does not change the truth.  Think of those you know who follow Christ's teachings.  They think of those that you know who generally do what Christ taught against.  Which of these people are happier and more fulfilled?

So how can you truly be a Christian?  Step 1: Believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, that he lived a perfect life, that he died on the Cross for your sin and that he rose again on the third day.  Now your sins are forgiven and you have eternal life.  Step 2: Begin a daily prayer and study time so that you can communicate with God.  This time should include worship (maybe singing or listening to tapes of worship music), study of the Bible and Prayer time.  When you pray, make sure that you are not doing all the talking.  Take time to listen for God to respond.  THIS WILL TAKE TIME.  The Holy Spirit will convict you of sins in your life.  He will point out the shortcomings in your walk.  But, if you are not willing to make God first in your life and allow him to direct you in all you do, your basic selfish desires will take over and you will not be walking the path of a Christian.

Don't get me wrong.  None of us is perfectly able to follow the will of God or the example of Christ.  The difference between the Christian and non-Christian is the desire and self-discipline to honestly try to do the will of God.

My prayer is each person who finds this site and reads these words earnestly and humbly commits to worship, study and prayer on a daily basis to enable them to discover the will of God for their lives and that they will have the self-discipline to be successful in implementing the plan that God has for them.

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